csütörtök, november 10, 2016

Some Corvin updates

Hey Folks! It's been a while, eh? Glad to report I'm making some progress with the follow-up to the Corvin comic book. Even though it is not going as fast as lightning, there are some sneak peeks I can show you:

At first, a snapshot of my brief artistic getaway for a couple of days in late August in the Buda Hills, where I could finally get down to business.

Secondly, a completed panel that will be definitely included in Corvin, Issue 2. Tits are good for sales, I'm told ;)

In related news, I recently took an awesome trip to Transylvania, where - among lots of other great sights - we got to see the ancestral home of the Corvin (or Hunyadi, their real Hungarian name) family, where our protagonists will arrive in the hotly awaited Issue 3. It was a real inspiring time, lemme show you some pics:

Fingers cross this will further facilitate the good work, so stay tuned!

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