vasárnap, április 18, 2010

and then they got talking with the locals...

Panel 1

1st peasant: We're in for a bloody war again with those rascal Turks...
Colin: Good morning, gentlemen! This is Lord Corvin's estate, isn't it?
Panel 2 Pip: Perhaps they didn't understand your question?
Colin: Hold your tongue, that guy has got a hoe!

Panel 3
Woman: Young sirs, you're better off asking questions in the inn. The sun may set before you get an answer from these old grumblers!
Colin: Thank you so much, dear lady!

Panel 4
2nd peasant: Shoot, Mary! It's time I teach you not to interfere with our manly dealings!
Pip: There is the inn! Avanti!

Panel 5
Pip: Pretty cool! Just like the piazza!
Colin: Yep. It looks almost the same. Let's go inside!

Dear readers, it's also time I proclaim an increased activity compared to what went on in the previous months (my Dad's scanner just got busted but there are ways around everything, aren't there?)
Here's an awesome reason for increasing my efforts:
Craig Thompson is running a residency on making graphic novels in October! Woo-hoo!
I need to get there! Let's go ahead writing a story outline and loads of thumbnail drafts (and certainly carrying on with the present chapter)!
Dear folks, I'm counting on your feedback and even willing to set up a Facebook page to that end. See you around!