csütörtök, február 06, 2014

Human Rights Comics Part 4

The first story for Amnesty's education project in the new year. Topic: discrimination.

     Panel 1

Long-haired guy: Hey chief, can I get a cup of coffee?
Panel 2
Big barman: Haven’t you seen the signpost?
(Signpost: Bald Café. Entry Only Without Hair!)
Panel 3
Long-haired guy: Are you kidding? There’s no way that a café serves only bal…
Panel 4
Guy with glasses: Did you say “baldies”?!
Younger woman: Wow, how original…
Older lady: Why couldn’t we have a place where we can go for a coffee without being stared at?!
Panel 5
Older guy: You’d better get out of here with your long hair while we’re asking you nicely!
Long-haired guy: Are you threatening me?! This will have consequences!
Panel 6
Long-haired guy: (thinking: Now, that was mental…) Hmmm… and what kind of place can this one be?

kedd, február 04, 2014

And now.... what you all have been waiting for!

.......or at least the very patient ones among you: a new Corvin page! The most resolute plan is to keep on redrawing the pages originally made in 2010(ish), and then complete Chapter 1 with some new ones, so stay tuned!

Panel 1
Peasant 1: We're in for a bloody war again with those rascal Turks...
Colin: Good morning, gentlemen! Is this Lord Corvin's estate?
Panel 2
Pip: Perhaps they didn't understand your question?
Colin: Hold your tongue, that guy has got a hoe!
Panel 3
Woman: Young sirs, you're better off asking questions in the inn. The sun may set before you get an answer from these old grumblers!
Colin & Pip: Thank you so much, dear lady!
Panel 4
Peasant 2: Shoot, Mary! It's time I teach you not to interfere with our manly dealings!
Pip: There is the inn! Avanti!
Panel 5
Pip: Pretty cool! Just like the piazza!
Colin: Yep… it looks almost the same. Let's go inside!