csütörtök, június 12, 2014

Some Festive Pics

Hey Folks,

Thought I would post a few pictures of the yearly Hungarian Comics Festival, as it's been already three weeks since it was held.

The event itself was on Sunday, but we kicked it off with a little Drink & Draw in the company of some of the foreign special guests on Friday evening. On the right side of the table you can see Héléne Becquelin-Mottet from Switzerland, author of the autobographical Angry Mum comics and her husband. Opposite to them, the utterly prolific and versatile Boulet from France, whose body of work ranges from fantasy comics (Donjon Zénith) to his regularly published autobiographical Notes. Do yourself a favour and check out his blog at www.bouletcorp.com

Here's something Boulet drew on the spot. Three Hungarian comics people, from right to left: Magdi Kasza, Dóri Gresz and myself.

Then on Sunday the festival was unleashed in modest 12 Celsiuses at my old university campus - now a sort of underground concert and party place, which atmosphere suits our little comics subculture perfectly. Here the creators of the forthcoming comic book called The Mountain are giving a presentation about their work, which was awarded the the opportunity to be published by a reular publisher company next year.

There was a special Lord of the Rings cosplayer unit on site, featuring this scarily accurate nazgul.

Yours truly was one of the persons coordinating the so-called "artist petting zone", where some pretty awesome improvised comics were produced despite the slightly grim natural circumstances.

This was the point when Boulet became the absolute star of the festival, as after spending a couple of hours signing books, he carried on drawing

... a couple of posters like this one

Some of the improvised comics have made their way to an art periodical and the rest will soon be visible online, including a 3-page-long piece from your humble author. Do not miss out!

csütörtök, június 05, 2014

Wedding present

My friends got married last Saturday in a village called Etyek near Budapest. Etyek is famous for its wines, which came in handy for the wedding dinner. Happiness abounding, though the reverend lady probably did well to point out that they "should not expect a bed of roses" and "marriage is lke a house, it needs a strong foundation."
Godspeed to you, Folks!