Panel 1
Innkeeper: Miss Borka!
Panel 2
Panel 2
Borka: Hello, Uncle Andrew! How's
business going?
Innkeeper: Exactly the same as always. But would your father approve of you strolling around here on your own again?
Panel 3
Innkeeper: Exactly the same as always. But would your father approve of you strolling around here on your own again?
Panel 3
Borka: Well, I won’t tell him if you don’t. I'm heading right back home,
just dropped in to say hello and taste this lovely elder wine.
Innkeeper: Are you going to Ravencastle? Those two young sirs are headed there too.
Panel 4
Innkeeper: Are you going to Ravencastle? Those two young sirs are headed there too.
Panel 4
Borka: When did young sirs start to frequent the inn? And who are they?
Innkeeper: Those two, over there. They seem like quite refined folks. I wonder what on earth they are doing in our neck of the woods...
Panel 5
Colin: I certainly hope we are refined folks indeed.
Would the young lady like to join our table?Innkeeper: Those two, over there. They seem like quite refined folks. I wonder what on earth they are doing in our neck of the woods...
Panel 5
Borka: Gladly, right after the young sirs will have introduced themselves!
Panel 6 Pip: Of course, we should have done that right away! My name is Pip Driscoll, and this gentleman is Colin O' Gara.
Borka: Pleasure to meet you, I am Borka Harangi. I presume you sirs are not from this area?