péntek, április 25, 2014

Corvin - Inside the Inn

Well... fair play to you, if you have stayed tuned since the last Corvin post. This is page six, ten more to go to have the minimum length of a comic book. Can I do it? Say... by October? Anyway, enjoy!

Panel 1
Innkeeper: Hello!  What can I get you, gentlemen?
Colin: Greetings, Sir! We could do with some directions, as we‘re kind of lost...
Pip: And a couple of drinks, too!
Panel 2
 Innkeeper: Then this way please, sirs!
Pip (whispering): You see, there are friendly folks around here too!
Panel 3
Innkeeper: What would you like to drink? I've got red wine, white wine and pinewood brandy. I guess it's a bit early for that though…
Colin: In that case we'll stay with red wine.
Panel 4
Innkeeper: Here you are. So where are you aiming to get?
Colin: We're eager to find a certain Lord Corvin.
Panel 5
Innkeeper: It's your lucky day! Ravencastle, his residence is barely a day's walk from here.
Peasant in hat: He may not be there now! He's already gathering his army against the Turks!
Panel 6
 Innkeeper: Possibly, neighbour. But he's not going to every single village himself, is he?! Let's not make the young gentlemen lose heart!
Pip: What do you mean “against the Turks”?

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